Thursday, March 26, 2009

Where were roman coins made?

like which country or city?
Where were roman coins made?
%26quot;During the Republic there was only one mint that we are aware of, and that was next to the Temple of Juno Moneta on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. At that time the Temple of Saturn, in the Forum Romanum, served as the treasury. %26quot;

%26quot;During the reign of Augustus, the number of mints increased dramatically. Roman coins were being minted in Greece, Spain, Gaul, Lugdunum, Pergamum, and the East. Tiberius reduced the number of mints, made Lugdunum the only mint in the western part of the empire to issue silver and gold coins, and restricted the mint in Rome to issuing bronze coins.

Caligula reversed that by ordering the Roman mint to produce gold and silver coins again, and restricting Lugdunum to bronze. All bets are off during the chaos of the Civil Wars following Nero%26#039;s suicide. As the Flavians took control, the primary responsibility for minting gradually returned to Rome. %26quot;

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