Thursday, March 26, 2009

History projects on nazi germany propagnada?

ok im doing a history projects on the positive aspects of the nazi regime but im including a section on propaganda promises, basically good things the nazis [romised but never gave, i can only find the ways he used propaganda to victimize people like the JEws so any ideas on good promises never furfilled? with sources if you can
History projects on nazi germany propagnada?
1) Propoganda posters were used to display public works, such as the constructions of motorways

2) Propoganda posters displayed the %26quot;Glory%26quot; of the third reich and created national prestige (made people feel gout about the country)
History projects on nazi germany propagnada?
Adolf Hitler was interested in cars. He instigated Ferdinand Porsche into developing a Volkswagen or %26quot;people%26#039;s car%26quot;. There was a pre-purchase scheme, which around 336,000 people eventually paid into. Cars were never built in Hitler%26#039;s lifetime, but Volkswagen honored the agreements in West Germany after the war,
Reply:What kind of moron are you? Hitler did more than victimize %26quot;people like the Jews%26quot;-he slaughtered six million of us. %26quot;Not all victims of the Nazis were Jewish, but every Jew was a victim.%26quot;

Do yourself a favor, and pick a sensible project.

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