Thursday, March 26, 2009

Jesuit missionaries in New France were more successful than Puritan missionaries in New England in converting?

Indians to Christianity for which of the following reasons:

a) The Jesuits emphasized the simplicity of the worship experience; the Puritans employed elaborate rituals.

b) The covenant of grace taught by the Jesuits was closer to Indians%26#039; religious beliefs than was the covenant of works taught by the Puritans.

c) The Jesuits understood that Christianity and Indian culture were compatible; the Puritans dis not.

d) The large French settlements convinced the Indians of the superiority of the Christian God; the small Puritan settlements made little impression.%26quot;
Jesuit missionaries in New France were more successful than Puritan missionaries in New England in converting?
I%26#039;d say C. The Indians thought the Catholic Mass was fascinating and more like their own, with robes, offering yourself to Christ by drinking his %26#039;blood%26#039; and eating his %26#039;flesh%26#039;

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