Thursday, March 26, 2009

Louis XIV and Peter the Great ... (easy points) ?

...What were some similarities and differences between their absolute rule?

Be as specific as you%26#039;d like, write me an essay if you want, lol.

...It%26#039;s for an AP World History project, and my teacher wants me to %26#039;elaborate%26#039; more on their rule.

I%26#039;ll choose best answer.

Thanks, people (:

I would like to know what life was for pilgrims that were rich and poor?

I am trying to write a story about a teenage love between a rich pilgrim girl and a poor pilgrim boy. The problem is that I have no clue about those times. Please help!
I would like to know what life was for pilgrims that were rich and poor?
A pilgrim before setting out would normally require the permission of his lord, bishop, or (if he was a monk) his abbot. If his journey was approved, he would be given a letter of recommendation to be carried with him. This document was important for three reasons. First, it verified his purpose as a pious exercise so that he was not mistaken for a wanderer. Secondly, it made him eligible for the privileges to which a pilgrim was entitled, like alms and lodgings. Lastly, it was a crucial symbol of his status as a pilgrim. Under an ordinance of Richard II in 1388, a pilgrim could be arrested if discovered without this letter of testimoniales on his person. This was to discourage the abuse of pilgrimage by adventurers of less than pious motives.

Next, the pilgrim would attend a special consecration ceremony, in which he would be adorned in the recoginsed pilgrim%26#039;s garb. The subject would be blessed along with each article of pilgrimage that would go with the pilgrim. He would hear confession to purge himself of sin before he left. His scrip and staff would be consecrated by being sprinkled with holy water. For those making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem, their cloak would be adorned with a red cross at the shoulder.

Pilgrims would often be escorted to outside the city gates or boundary of the village by members of the village, brotherhood or guild. Some guilds had particular rules about the undertaking of pilgrimage by one of their members, so that small donations of money would be made to their cause. The fourteenth-century Guild of the Resurrection, at Lincoln, encouraged its membrs to give at least a halfpenny to the departing pilgrim. some guilds went further by opening houses as lodgings for the poor pious traveller.

for a pilgrim travelling on foot, a substantial walking staff was a reliable companion, serving the duel purpose of support, and, if necessary, defence. In an amusing citation of the use of pilgrim staffs, an unrluly and impatient crowd of pilgrims on St Richard%26#039;s Day in 1487 took to using their staffs on each other. The pilgrim would also carry a scrip, or leather satchel, usually suspended from a belt worn across the body. This would carry provisions and a water bottle, as well as the important pilgrim%26#039;s letter of safe conduct, signed by the lord or the church authorities.

In %26#039;The Canterbury Tales%26#039; Chaucer writes about pilgrims travelling on horseback. Many of these pilgrims are wealthy. Bright coloured clothes were expensive in those days, since the dyes cost a lot of money, and Chaucer%26#039;s Wife of Bath wears hose (stockings) of scalret, the most expensive colour of all.

The pilgrim would have to make sure he took enough money with him to cover the cost of his journey, and he would need enough for offerings and donations to make at the many shrines along the way. Some poor pilgrims made their way by begging, and some were given gifts of money. He did not need health insurance as pilgrims hospitals and monasteries would care for him.

Monasteries were encouraged to accomodate pilgrims on their journeys. Monastic houses offered a kind of open house to all types and classes of pilgrims, including the poor and foreigners. Guests would be fed and given a blessing before they set off again, so that they were spiritually as well as physically rejuvinated by their stay. for those pilgrims requiring medical attention, monasteries also had their own infirmaries within the grounds. the Clunic monasteries are perhaps the best known for their hospitality to the pilgrim.

Pilgrims fortunate enough to find lodgings within the Guesten hall of Christ church Priory, Canterbury, were assured of the hospitality as a result of the statues of Archbishop Winchelsea. These dictated that pilgrim guests should be fed daily with bread and meat. Also, if any should die there, whatever his rank or nationality, he should recieve the privilege of burial within the cathedral grounds. Royal visitors to Canterbury were housed within Saint Augustine%26#039;s Abbey.

Those monastic houses in the vicinity of the larger, more famous shrines, were more likely to receive wealthier pilgrims and those of noble background. Moreover, such guests would be in a position to pay for such charity, while monasteries were obliged to shelter the poor for free.

Naturally, some monastic hostels offered better service to their guests than others. Abbot Agelwy of Evesham Abbey was particularly benevolent in his provision of shelter for the pilgrim and made it a ritual to wash the feet of all who entered.

As the numbers of pilgrims increased, many monasteries struggled to accomodte them, so special guest halls were often erected. This was the case at Worcester Cathedral for example where the remains of the large Guesten Hall can still be viewed in the cathedral%26#039;s grounds.

Within the grounds of Winchester Cathedral, the Pilgrim%26#039;s hall was built during the reign of Edward I (1272-1307). Erected by teh monks of Saint Swithin%26#039;s priory, its function was to receive pilgrims visiting the saint%26#039;s shrine. Later such halls came to be located outside the monastic precincts.

In the 8th and 9th centuries, many more hospices were established in response to increased travel. These received and sheltered the pilgrim as %26#039;hsopes%26#039; or guests. Hospitals were sometimes founded by knightly orders, like the Knights Templar, recognised guardians of the pilgrim and the traveller, as well as poorere brotherhoods and those of wealth and influence.

Conditions within medieval hostels varied greatly. Often word was spread by pilgrims themselves, in the form of guidebooks, as to which were better and what to preapre for. One book relates the following exchange between a traveller and his servant who had been sent ahead to check that there %26quot;be no fleas, nor bugs, nor other vermin.%26quot; His reply came %26quot;No sir...for please God you will be well and comfortably lodged there - except that we suffer much from rats and mice.%26quot; another section reveals something of the other problems encountered. %26quot;Wiliam, undress and wash your legs and then dry them with a towel and rub them well on account of the fleas, that they may not leap on your legs. For there is a mass of them about in the dust under the rushes....%26quot;

Pilgrims would also lodge at inns, which would also vary greatly in quality and provision, but at the least should have been able to offer the guests a bed. Many inns got away with charging expensive board for low-rate accomodation. A letter from John Paston in 1474 relates such an experience at the George Inn in Southwark, which left much to be desired.

In most hostels, guest would sleep on straw-covered floors. With so many pilgrims frequenting the same hostels and sleeping on the same floor, there were no reasurance as to how often fresh straw was laid. In general, beds were prized objects owned by those who could afford them. Surviving medieval wills speak of beds, stuffed mattresses, pillows and sheets. In a few cases, such articles were even left to hostels.

Taverns, for those who could afford them, were known for serving better food and were far more likely to have beds. In these instances you could expect to share a bed with at least one other traveller, although the advantages of this do not need to be stated in colder climates (i.e. it kept you warm). Men and women would often be offered seperate quarters, so that even husbands and wives would sleep apart from each other.

Competition ensued between inns, hostels, and taverns who all vied for supremacy and employed sneaky methods to canvas more customers. many of them hired boys to rush to the gates of the city to greet, kiss and hug the arriving pilgrims and then lead them back to their respective hostelry. In Compostela in Spain, such boys went out wearing or carrying placards that openly advertised their employer%26#039;s tavern or inn.

Many mementos and trinkets were available to the pilgrims as souvenirs. These could be obtained at any of the numerous stalls that were close to the entrance of a shrine in expectation of pilgrim custom. In Canterbury%26#039;s Mercery Lane, anarrow road leading straight to the entry gate of the cathedral precinct, was the place to buy souvenirs. A guidebook to Santiago de Compostella states that the open square outside the cathedral was the place to buy souvenirs as well as necessities.

In the Holy Land since the sixth century, small flasks could be bought by the pilgrims wishing to collect miracle-working water from teh Jordan. However, it was the second half of the twelfth century, with its boom in pilgrimage activity, that saw the beginings of the mass manufacturing of pilgrim souvenirs and badges.

Wherever possible, the pilgrim would endeavour to further substantiate his souvenir by having it blessed at the related shrine, or by bringing it into as close physical contact with the shrine as possible. In this way, it was beleived that a portion of the relic%26#039;s supernatural power would be transmitted to and absorbed by the souvenir.

Important pilgrimage sites often sold souvenir badges that were mostly made of a tin-lead alloy, or brass or clay. They were fitted with a pin or clasp so that the badge could be worn, and the surface was stamped with either a portrait of the saint, a scene from his life or death, or a symbol associated with him.

Badges from the shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham portrayed the Virgin, whether it be the statue shown on its own or within an openwork depiction of the Holy House.

Pilgrims wore these badges with pride, attaching them to their broad brimmed hats. As well as serving as souvenirs, the badges assured the weare%26#039;s status and credentials as a pilgrim and offered visible authentication of his journeys. For some it seems there was also an element of competitiveness.

If Alexander ruled for such a short time, why are his conquests so important?

What personal goals did Alexander achieve during his short reign? How do the contributions of Alexander the Great compare to the contributions of modern leaders?
If Alexander ruled for such a short time, why are his conquests so important?
He conquered his way from the Mediterranean, all the way to India.

He controlled the trade route%26#039;s from Europe, Asia and Africa.

He started out at eighteen years of age, and achieved such a huge area of influence, that before he died; he cried because he thought there was no one left to conquer.

Shortly afterwards, he caught a fever and died.

And all this before the age of thirty three!

Military leaders from Julius Caesar, Napoleon Ghenghis Khan and Hitler to name a few, tried to emulate his generalship.
If Alexander ruled for such a short time, why are his conquests so important?
They are not. His empire fell apart immediately after his death. The only reason his conquests might be important is because they created a bunch of unintended consequences. One of the most important ones is the emergence of Alexandria (ruled by the Ptolemaic dynasty, starting with Ptolemy I Soter, formerly a general in Alexander%26#039;s army) as a major center of culture and learning. Suffice it to say that Euclid lived in Alexandria, the steam engine was invented by Hero (although it was almost immediately forgotten) in Alexandria, and the size of the globe has for the first time been estimated (with some accuracy) by Eratosthenes in Alexandria. Not to mention the best library in the ancient world...

A better question to ask would be, why the contemporary writes felt it was so important? Well, just ask yourself one question: who paid them to write? :)
Reply:Alexander is important because he spread the greek/hellenistic culture. This changed western civilization bceause of what he was able to do (Kids learn about Alexander the Great as well as the Hellenistic culture in western schools) Alexanders personal goal was to take over the Persian Empire to get them back for when they tried to take over Greece under Cyrus the Great. Once he achieved his goal of conquering the Persians he wanted to get on going until he reached the end of the world(Pacific Ocean). Alexander was held up to high esteem up to the Middle Ages. Julius Caesar once grieved about how he was not able to conquer as much land as Alexander did. During the Middle Ages, Alexander was seen as the noble kind that everybody should look up too.

“Alexander was even thought to have a special connection with Britain. As early as the fourteenth century the French Romance Perceforest had sought to link the story of Alexander with the Arthurian legends of Britain. According to this work, Alexander’s ship was swept off course soon after his conquest of India, and blown ashore in Britain, where he made his lieutenants Betis and Gadifer kings of England and Scotland respectively. Alexander was thus established in the legendary past of Britain, as a distant ancestor of Arthur, and particularly in Scotland, whose kings, several of them named Alexander, liked to trace their pedigree to the conqueror. (Stoneman, Introduction)”

Alexander was a figure who was not only real but was a mythical being which kept him in the history books.

Experts in American History, could you please reply to this question:?

John Eliot met with little success in converting the New England Indians to Christianity beause he:

a) allowed the Indians to blend their own religious ideas with Puritan religious ideas.

b) insisted that converts reject traditional Indian culture and live like Europeans.

c) preached his ideas only to Indian women.

d) insisted that the Indians had to adhere strictly to the elaborate rituals of the Puritan church.%26quot;
Experts in American History, could you please reply to this question:?
I may not be an expert in American History, but I would call myself an expert in answering multiple-choice questions.

Answer (a) is just silly; why would this cause him to be unsuccessful?

Answer (b) seems pretty likely; this sort of thing doesn%26#039;t tend to go over very well.

Answer (c) doesn%26#039;t sound like the sort of thing a Puritan missionary would do.

Answer (d) might be the answer if the Puritan church had elaborate rituals, but it didn%26#039;t.

Ergo, pick B.
Experts in American History, could you please reply to this question:?
The answer is probably “b” but it is not as simple as that. Eliot organized his converted Indians into communities called “praying towns” and these were subject to the laws and customs of the colony. These rules were the source of the pressures to adapt to an English form of society. It was not so much Eliot who was responsible for that as the Indian Superintendent, Major Daniel Gookin.

What was life like for the aztecs? explain.?

no big letters please.

Does anyone remember the Victory Gardens from th World War II era and what was planted in them?

Anything that could be eaten! My grandparents had a number of acres in Los Angeles, and they grew all their own vegetables, and gave much away to neighbors. They also kept a milking cow, and chickens and ducks.
Does anyone remember the Victory Gardens from th World War II era and what was planted in them?
I believe all sorts of vegetables were planted in them. Probably varied by the region. Spinach wouldn%26#039;t grow well in Kansas.

I was just thinking about Victory gardens recently. Isn%26#039;t it amazing that the current war has been going on longer than WWII and no one has encouraged planting victory gardens now? Especially with the food crisis that is evident.

You know what the largest crop is in America? Grass. The golf course, front yard, back yard, serves little purpose kind. If we all grew victory gardens perhaps food prices wouldn%26#039;t be spiraling out of control, there wouldn%26#039;t be food riots in Haiti, Egypt, Mexico and other places.

And corn wouldn%26#039;t be going in gas tanks instead of on plates.
Does anyone remember the Victory Gardens from th World War II era and what was planted in them?
Vegetables and the best ones that were planted were the

ones that could be saved over the winter. These would be

root vegetables like potatoes, carrots, turnips, cabbages,onions, pumpkins, You could store these vegetables in dark cool places and they would stay good throughout the winter. In those days you could only eat what was in season whether it was fruit, vegetables or meat. With basically the whole world at war it was too dangerous to ship things by sea so you couldn%26#039;t expect to get fruit from Hawaii or South America. Also a lot of the food was being shipped overseas to feed the troops so you just couldn%26#039;t buy things. You had to grow your own stuff or do without!
Reply:We grew potatoes. Most never got larger than a golf ball. The rabbits got a share of the string beans. We grew carrots, lettuce, radish, onions and tomatoes. I think we also grew lima beans and peas. It took a lot of work.

My older cousin was in the third grade and he got a certificate signed by President Roosevelt. I was bummed, because I spent more time in the garden than he did. FDR musta figured that five year olds can%26#039;t vote.

Jesuit missionaries in New France were more successful than Puritan missionaries in New England in converting?

Indians to Christianity for which of the following reasons:

a) The Jesuits emphasized the simplicity of the worship experience; the Puritans employed elaborate rituals.

b) The covenant of grace taught by the Jesuits was closer to Indians%26#039; religious beliefs than was the covenant of works taught by the Puritans.

c) The Jesuits understood that Christianity and Indian culture were compatible; the Puritans dis not.

d) The large French settlements convinced the Indians of the superiority of the Christian God; the small Puritan settlements made little impression.%26quot;
Jesuit missionaries in New France were more successful than Puritan missionaries in New England in converting?
I%26#039;d say C. The Indians thought the Catholic Mass was fascinating and more like their own, with robes, offering yourself to Christ by drinking his %26#039;blood%26#039; and eating his %26#039;flesh%26#039;

New Englanders were unlike residents of the Chesapeake in which of the following ways:?

a) The children of New England parents were genrally more independent at an earlier age.

b) New Englanders cleared new fields yearly rather than using the same fields again and again.

c) New Englanders had smaller families.

d) Migrants to New England usually came as part of family groups.%26quot;
New Englanders were unlike residents of the Chesapeake in which of the following ways:?
All of the above.
New Englanders were unlike residents of the Chesapeake in which of the following ways:?
The answer is D. The Chesapeake Bay settlers were generally more %26quot;rowdy%26quot;, younger, single males, looking for a buck. The male to female ration in Chesapeake bay was also very skewed, with many many more males than femlaes. The New England colonies, in contrast, were founded not because the land was extremely fertile, oras a capitalistic venture. They were founded as a %26quot;city on the hill%26quot; idea, in that the colony was supposed to be a beacon, an example as to how religion and colonization should be. The settlers were mostly Puritans, and often came as families, partly to escape oppression they were facing in England. There was a problem in England with people who didn%26#039;t practice the state-sanctioned religion being persecuted (depending on the King), and the New England settlers generally saw the Church of England as being corrupted and tainted by other influences, Catholocism among them. Short answer, D ;-)

What caused the balance of power to shift in europe in the years leading up to the war?

The balance of power began to shift after the American troops left Germany in 1924 and continued through to the Great Depression when England and France could not get back any reparations along with the propaganda proposed by Hitler began to turn the tables . When Germany started to rearm without approval the nations basically did not do anything because the armed services were diminished and their economies were crippled .

What was The Renaissance Period?

The renaissance was a period of time(14th to 17th century) when a great deal of cultural changes and learning took place.

Everything was changing: literature, philosophy, art(artists started using emotion in art for the first time), politics, science, religion. Renaissance scholars studied ancient texts and culture, which had a profound impact on the change and the humanist method of thinking. So much learning was going on at the time.

Can Anyone Help Me Please???

The Zhou, Qin, and Han dynasties brought many changes to China. How would you compare the developments in China with those of the other civilizations you have studied so far? Using China and one other civilizations studied, list at least two ways in which they developed in similar ways and two ways in which they developed differently.

History Help!!?

Can anyone please tell me how Hilter was a dictator and what made him a dictator. thank you :)
History Help!!?
What made him a dictator was that he had total control over Germany. Book burning, fascism, and the attempt to conquer the world made him a dictator.

Help please!!!!!!!!!!? extra credit?

1.Which group of statements most accurately describes the causes of the Cold War?

2.Which group contains reasonable elements of a policy of containment?

3.Which Cold War leader would be most likely to agree with the statement shown below?

4.Who is the leader described below?

5.Which political leader would have been most likely to agree with the statements shown below?
Help please!!!!!!!!!!? extra credit?
1. Group B

2. Group A

3. Nikita Khruschev

4. Fidel Castro, though the last sentence is outdated and should read %26quot;he ruled%26quot;, not %26quot;he has ruled%26quot;

5. Mao?

Random Facts About Bobby or John Kennedy?

does anyone know any random facts about Bobby or John Kennedy, like their favorite colors, ice cream flavor etc. The reason why i need it is a long story, but please help!
Random Facts About Bobby or John Kennedy?
their whole family was in the mob, john%26#039;s bro died in a explosion be4 take off

What was The War for Independence?

the revolutionary war??
What was The War for Independence?
who was involved?
What was The War for Independence?
Good God. Here folks is the failure of our educational system.
Reply:You mean America%26#039;s war for independence? that was when our country fought to be free from Great Brittain. Independence day is July 4, originally 1776 when our independence was declared.
Reply:It depends what country your in but in the U.S. it is the Revolutionary War.
Reply:the war for independance: The revolutionary war

The war of northern aggression: The Civil War

Mr Mckinleys war: Spainish-American war

The war to end all wars: WWI

sometimes nicknames fit, sometimes they don%26#039;t.
Reply:The then American colonies were being asked to share the tax burden of England%26#039;s war in Canada with France.

American traders had benefited from this war. Not even serious American scholars would dispute this. However, they reasoned, that if their was going to be taxation: There should be representation in the British parliament.

George the third, and his advisors badly handled the situation, and tried to ride roughshod over the colonies, by introducing the stamp taxes, and trade taxes, and refused

parliamentary access, and sent a large army over instead.

This resulted in the Boston tea party, and eventually, the revolutionary war.
Reply:It was called %26quot; The 1948 War of Independence %26quot; by Israel or called %26quot; The 1948 War %26quot; by Arabs.

It began after the passage of the U.N. General Assembly Resolution #181, which announced the partition of Palestine into a Jewish state, an Arab state, and an international area, including Jerusalem.

If someone asked you 'why do you find the The Renaissance Period facinating'? what would you say?

Please contribute

Every Little helps

If someone asked you %26#039;why do you find the The Renaissance Period facinating%26#039;? what would you say?
I don%26#039;t, lol.

Ok, I%26#039;d put that I find it interesting because it was a time when literacy started to really spread. With the invention of the Gutenberg Press books no longer had to be copied by hand. This meant they were more numerous in number and therefore cheaper and more accessible to the average person.
If someone asked you %26#039;why do you find the The Renaissance Period facinating%26#039;? what would you say?
It%26#039;s interesting because of all the cultural changes that were going on during that time period. (14th to the 17th century).

Everything was changing: literature, philosophy, art(artists started using emotion in art for the first time), politics, science, religion. Renaissance scholars studied ancient texts and culture, which had a profound impact on the change and the humanist method of thinking. So much learning was going on at the time.

"You have slept out of your place, you have rather bine a Husband than a Wife and a preacher than a Hearer,

and a Magistrate than a Subject%26quot;.

This quote supports the idea that the Puritan authorities:

a) allowed divorce when it could be proved that the wife had not been submissive to her husband.

b) saw Anne Hutchinson as a threat because she challenged traditional gender roles.

c) believed Anne Hutchinson to be a threat because she owned her own business.

d) believed Anne Hutchinson to be a valuable asset to the community.%26quot;
%26quot;You have slept out of your place, you have rather bine a Husband than a Wife and a preacher than a Hearer,
Probably “b” as Anne Hutchinson assumed a traditionally male role of preacher and leader at a time such things were not only unheard of but forbidden.
%26quot;You have slept out of your place, you have rather bine a Husband than a Wife and a preacher than a Hearer,
The answer is B Hutchinson committed the cardinal sin of %26quot;not knowing her place%26quot; in a patriarichal society, anathema to men and women alike

History confusion! 10 points to the correct answer!?

When General Douglas MacArthur became commander of the occupation forces in Japan after World War II, he initiated reforms to make Japan a peaceful, democratic nation. Which of the following steps was not part of Japan’s postwar transformation?

disarming most of the military

adopting a new constitution

giving women the right to vote

giving the emperor more political power

What was the result of China’s “Great Leap Forward”?

Large landowners received more land to grow crops.

China modernized and surpassed Great Britain industrially.

Machines broke down, workers suffered, and thousands died of starvation.

China was quickly transformed into a capitalist democracy.

Why did North Korean troops invade South Korea?

They wanted to recapture their downed airplanes.

They wanted the entire peninsula to become communist.

They wanted the entire peninsula to become democratic

They wanted to oust the Chinese troops
History confusion! 10 points to the correct answer!?


History confusion! 10 points to the correct answer!?
I think it%26#039;s Giving the Right to Vote

China modernized and surpassed Great BRitain

entire peninsula to become democratic




Reply:Jim the Fee, says --- (but reserves the right to protest the

nature of the ?%26#039;s)

General Douglas MacArthur would never have given the

Emperor of Japan more political power

The result of China%26#039;s %26quot;great leap forward%26quot; was primarily epitomized in machinery breaking down, the peasant classes suffering terribly, and thousands dying of starvation-

(but not the Communist overlords who were running the show)

Why did North Korean troops invade South Korea?

They wanted the entire peninsula to become communist.

(this last question was so simplified that it became meaningless -- there were so many very complicated reasons for that invasion being ordered)

History confusion! 10 points to the best answer!?

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, President John F. Kennedy and Premier Nikita Khrushchev finally managed to avert a disaster. What was it?

nuclear war

a communist government in Cuba

loss of a major trading partner in the Caribbean

armed conflict between Turkey and the Soviet Union

The launch of Sputnik and the ensuing space race ______the Cold War.



increased tensions during

had little effect on

What was the purpose of the worldwide efforts that came to be known as the Green Revolution?

to end the destruction of rain forests

to spread democracy in Eastern Europe

to revert to agricultural economies

to prevent famine and starvation

In 1960, the Beatles performed for German teenagers in Hamburg, Germany. The band, from Liverpool, England, was influenced by American soul and rock music. What made all this possible?

the fall of communism in Eastern Europe

a global exchange of pop culture

the spread of democracy worldwide

the information revolution
History confusion! 10 points to the best answer!?
First question: A. A nuclear war.

Second question: C. ...increased tensions during...

Third question: D. To prevent famine and starvation.

Fourth question: B. A global exchange of pop culture.
History confusion! 10 points to the best answer!?
1. A.

2. C.

3. A.

4. B.

In 1637, why did Scotland riot against the english prayer book?

was it because they were forced to use it or they just did not like it?
In 1637, why did Scotland riot against the english prayer book?
they were forced to use it i think

and they didnt like it either

i think its something like that.
In 1637, why did Scotland riot against the english prayer book?
I think it%26#039;s because the Scottish church was more puritanical than the Anglican church and felt (aside from the obvious loathing of having a new book of prayer forced upon them by the occupying English monarchy) that it was heretical. There%26#039;s an article on Wiki about it, but it doesn%26#039;t say much about WHY it caused this much unrest.

I need to think of some reasons why i would be interested in learning about evacuation during please?

I need to think of some reasons why i would be interested in learning about evacuation during please?
If your family had any evacuees, it could be to research personal history.

Also, you could look at how many evacuees settled in the places they were evacuated to and how that affected local demographics post WWII, especially when taking into consideration the obvious changes in the makeup of local populations with men not returning from war.

Any good?
I need to think of some reasons why i would be interested in learning about evacuation during please?
I presume you are a child at school and as such if you had been living in a city during ww2 you would very likely have been evacuated yourself. In all over a million children were sent away from their homes.

Try to put yourself in the same situation and imagine how you would feel, many of these children had seen their fathers go off to fight in the war and were then sent away from home by their mothers to live with strangers, often split up from their brothers and sisters.

Most of these children had never been away from home or visited the countryside and it must have seemed like going to another country. For some it was and they were sent as far away as The USA.

For many this separation went on for years with little or no contact with family and friends, no emails or mobile phones, most homes did not have a telephone. It was very much luck whether you were given to a family who wanted you or were kind, many of these children were badly treated, used as cheap labour, it must have been very lonely.

This is the history of children like you which would have been your grandparents or great grandparents.

Can someone give me some important info on Pancho Villa :D?

por favor? links to website giving me load of info on him.

and please dont give me info on what the u.s said about, calling him a terroisist and what not -_-


10 points best answer
Can someone give me some important info on Pancho Villa :D?
I don%26#039;t know too much about Pancho Villa but perhaps this site can be helpful:

The history of the 'F' word?

I heard it is an acronym for Fornicating Under Christ and King. Like from the movie Braveheart where the noble men had the right to sleep with a newly wed. Does anyone know where the origins of the word come from? Thanks.
The history of the %26#039;F%26#039; word?
That Fornication Under Consent of the King bit is complete garbage. The %26quot;F%26quot; word is very old, coming originally from the German word for %26quot;to strike.%26quot; It%26#039;s not an acronym, and it probably arrived as part of Olde English about as early as any other word of that very Germanic tongue. Check out the explanation, below:
The history of the %26#039;F%26#039; word?
No its not. And I knew Braveheart was nonsense, but I hadn%26#039;t heard that bit. That%26#039;s not true either.

It is not known where the F word came from, it doesn%26#039;t seem to be Anglo-Saxon or Danish, and it hasn%26#039;t been in the language all that long. There were other terms used instead. The first time it can be found is in a piece of medieval Scottish writing.

In which of the following regions did American participation in the war have the greatest effect?

A. The Eastern Front

B. The border of France and Belgium

C. Africa

D. Austria
In which of the following regions did American participation in the war have the greatest effect?
In Africa U.S. troops helped in opening up the %26#039;under belly%26#039; of Europe to allow the Liberation of Italy and opening up another front for Hitler.

After liberating France, the U.S. only had a couple close calls from the Germans near Belgium.

It%26#039;s a tough call, but I%26#039;d say C.
In which of the following regions did American participation in the war have the greatest effect?
Africa was important but the borders of France and Belgium because of thje Battle of the Bulge to me have a greater impact
Reply:Jim the Fee, responding.

If you are talking about World War One;

then the anwer would be:

B. The border of France and Belgium.

If you are talking about World War Two;

You would have to broaden your scope of %26quot;theaters of


Who led the committee that drafted the declaration of independence?

John Hancock
Who led the committee that drafted the declaration of independence?
The most precise answer would be Thomas Jefferson. Many people were considered to draft the Declaration of Independence, and it was agreed upon that Jefferson, while not the best public speaker among the potential candidates to draft it, was the best penman. The draft, however, was heavily revised, but credit goes to Jefferson as the main penman.
Who led the committee that drafted the declaration of independence?
John Hancock was the head delegate, or president, of the Second Continental Congress, the committee that drafted both the Declaration of Independence and the Articles of Confederation.
Reply:The committee delegated to write the Declaration, known as the “Committee of Five” (Jefferson, Adams, Franklin, Sherman, Livingston), did not have an assigned “chairman” to lead its deliberations. They did select Jefferson to do the main writing and the others offered suggestions before the Declaration went to the full Congress.

Why did Augustus need to revise the Senate?And how did that allow Augustus to consolidate his ruling?

Any information will be helful. Thanks.

Why was Sappho's work systematically destroyed by later Christian censors?

I understand it was very similar to the same themes expressed by Homer.

Was Homer%26#039;s work also destroyed on purpose? So was it the homoerotic edge or was it the fact that it was by a female?
Why was Sappho%26#039;s work systematically destroyed by later Christian censors?
Jim the Fee, responding

She/he was a proponent of free and open homosexuality.

As a Lesbian Sappho%26#039;s works were no.1 on the censors

%26quot;hit list%26quot; and they hit very hard!!

Homer%26#039;s work was certainly suspect because the Greek%26#039;s and the Roman%26#039;s all seemed to indulge in a little homosexual encounters and of course that made the writings of Homer a

bit more suspect that some of the other Greek philosophers.

His works were modified a bit, but not destroyed. ( I think you would call that censorship - which was their work don%26#039;t you see?!?!)

History projects on nazi germany propagnada?

ok im doing a history projects on the positive aspects of the nazi regime but im including a section on propaganda promises, basically good things the nazis [romised but never gave, i can only find the ways he used propaganda to victimize people like the JEws so any ideas on good promises never furfilled? with sources if you can
History projects on nazi germany propagnada?
1) Propoganda posters were used to display public works, such as the constructions of motorways

2) Propoganda posters displayed the %26quot;Glory%26quot; of the third reich and created national prestige (made people feel gout about the country)
History projects on nazi germany propagnada?
Adolf Hitler was interested in cars. He instigated Ferdinand Porsche into developing a Volkswagen or %26quot;people%26#039;s car%26quot;. There was a pre-purchase scheme, which around 336,000 people eventually paid into. Cars were never built in Hitler%26#039;s lifetime, but Volkswagen honored the agreements in West Germany after the war,
Reply:What kind of moron are you? Hitler did more than victimize %26quot;people like the Jews%26quot;-he slaughtered six million of us. %26quot;Not all victims of the Nazis were Jewish, but every Jew was a victim.%26quot;

Do yourself a favor, and pick a sensible project.

How did the presence of various Barbarian groups and Germanic tribes affect the development of Europe durin?

the middle ages?

Where were roman coins made?

like which country or city?
Where were roman coins made?
%26quot;During the Republic there was only one mint that we are aware of, and that was next to the Temple of Juno Moneta on the Capitoline Hill in Rome. At that time the Temple of Saturn, in the Forum Romanum, served as the treasury. %26quot;

%26quot;During the reign of Augustus, the number of mints increased dramatically. Roman coins were being minted in Greece, Spain, Gaul, Lugdunum, Pergamum, and the East. Tiberius reduced the number of mints, made Lugdunum the only mint in the western part of the empire to issue silver and gold coins, and restricted the mint in Rome to issuing bronze coins.

Caligula reversed that by ordering the Roman mint to produce gold and silver coins again, and restricting Lugdunum to bronze. All bets are off during the chaos of the Civil Wars following Nero%26#039;s suicide. As the Flavians took control, the primary responsibility for minting gradually returned to Rome. %26quot;

History question?

After the 1st thanksgiving what were the Pilgrims most thankful for?

A. their treaty that they made with the indians

B. The depature of lonesome sailors

C. their great store of game and corn

D. The arrival of more people from England

Does anyone know where this image of the Moorish leader Tariq Ibn Ziyad is from?

I%26#039;ve seen a date with it of 720 AD, so it seems to be contemporay with the Moorish occupation,

Why do you think the value of U.S. exports to China rose and fell several times between 1898 and 1908?

U.S. history homework pls help..short answer is okay..thanks a lot:-)